Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay on Chapter 4 Notes ( Earth and Its People) 3rd Edition
Chapter Four! Greece and Iran 1000 – 30 B.C.E. â… Ancient Iran 1000 - 500 B.C.E †¢ Also known as the Persian Empire. †¢ Little written materials are left. A. Geography and Resources †¢ Northwest Iran was more open to attacks by the nomads of Central Asia. †¢ Irrigation in the first millennium B.C.E. enabled people to move to open plains so they could plant. †¢ Under ground irrigation channels. †¢ Human survival depended on a delicate ecological balance. B. the Rise of the Persian Empire †¢ â€Å"Iranians†spread out across western and central Asia. Europe--- India †¢ Medes was the first group to achieve a complex level of political organization. †¢ Medes settled in the northwest and came under the influence of the ancient centers in†¦show more content†¦with Sparta winning. †¢ Transforming Macedonia into premier military power. †¢ Improvements on hoplites formation. †¢ Alexander (king and son of Philip, a.k.a. Alexander the Great) defeated the Persian King Darius â… ¢. Influence by small independent communities, warring, allowed invaders and was difficult for people to develop a sense unity - GREECE â… £ The Hellenistic Synthesis 323 – 30 B.C.E. †¢ Alexander died a sudden death which sent a half-century of chaos. †¢ Hellenistic Age – epoch ushered in by the conquests of Alexander †¢ Ptolemy’s – dynasty that ruled Egypt and sometimes laid claim to Syria-Palestine †¢ the people of Egypt were only one ethnic group and easily controlled because they were mostly farmers. †¢ Antigonid dynasty ruled the Macedonian homeland and parts of northern Greece. †¢ Alexandria (made by Alexander) had a royal compound, palace, administrative buildings, mausoleum, library, research institutions, doctors, and scientists †¢ Families mattered †¢ the advanced theory of the atoms †¢ Logographers wrote in everyday language. †¢ Herodotus published his Histories. D. Athens and Sparta †¢ 2 preeminent Greek city-sates of late Archaic and Classical periods were Athens and Sparta. †¢ Ancestors of Spartans migrated into Peloponnesus. †¢ Sparta was a military camp. †¢ Athens was the opposite of Sparta. †¢ Athens had more rights for the lower class. †¢ Pericles took the last steps in the evolution of AthenianShow MoreRelatedComparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I Corinthians and the Thessalonian Letters1499 Words  | 6 Pagespassages that reveal Pauls understanding of the resurrection. If there is a section of Scripture in the Bible that provides us with a detailed description on the subject of the resurrection, it is I Corinthians chapter 15. This chapter is known as the Resurrection Chapter. Within this chapter, Paul explains the difference between the natural body and the spiritual body, and how each fits into Gods plan for a bodily resurrection. 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