Wednesday, May 20, 2020
The Effects of Attachment Style on Adult Romantic...
The Effects of Attachment Style on Adult Romantic Relationships Abstract Individual attachment style and its effects on adult romantic relationships were examined. The hypothesis of this literature review was that insecure attachment style would negatively affect the overall dynamic of adult romantic relationships while secure attachment would promote positive and healthy romantic relationships. Empirical studies looking at attachment style and relationship issues such as one’s views of self and others, communication, sexual intimacy, childhood family dynamic and God were evaluated. Reviews of studies were in line with the hypothesis indicating that insecure attachment does negatively affect the overall dynamic of romantic†¦show more content†¦Finally, those who are disorganized-disoriented, show very inconsistent, confused behavior to their caregivers. Adult Attachment Styles Kim Bartholomew took Bowlby’s theory a step further and proposed four styles of adult attachment based on working models of self and others (Lyddon Sherry, 2001). These styles were secure, preoccupied, dismissing and fearful. Secure adults feel self worth and expect other people to be trustworthy. Preoccupied adults feel unworthy but feel better about other people. Dismissing adults feel they are worthy but have a negative view of others. And fearfully attached adults tend to feel unworthy and untrusting of others (Lyddon Sherry, 2001). All of the styles noted except for secure would also fall under the broader category of insecure. Psychologist Phillip Shaver expanded upon Bowlby’s theory too and stated that the attachments formed in one’s infancy extend to adult romantic relationships (Feldman, 2011). According to Shaver, securely attached adults enter into romantic relationships confidently and happily. They also tend to be supportive and sensitive to their partner’s needs. Those who have avoidant attachment style tend to be less into relationships and feel lonelier. Ambivalent or anxiously attached adults tend to be too invested in their relationships, have low self-esteem, and often are intrusive rather then helpful whenShow MoreRelatedAttachment Styles And Its Effect On Adult Romantic Relationships1739 Words  | 7 PagesAttachment Styles and its Effect on Adult Romantic Relationships Attachment is a deep and enduring emotional bond that connects a caregiver to their child. The relationship between the caregiver and the child plays a vital role in the child’s behavior, mind, and emotions at any time in their life, from child to adulthood. A child’s attachment style is developed through childhood experiences. Depending on the style of attachment influences how a person reacts to their needs and how they go aboutRead MoreThe Theory Of Love By Robert J. Sternberg1458 Words  | 6 Pages With each weekly reflection written throughout this course, Looking Back On Growing Up, there has been an over arching theme pulling each lesson together: relationship. The class has intertwined the theme of relationship throughout the weeks, which with the rise of positive psychology, social psychology and related studies has become an increasingly popular area of research. Christopher Peterson, a positive psychologist, coined the phrase â€Å"other people matter†– a phrase which now is associatedRead MoreAttachment Style As A Predictor For Romantic Adult Relationships Or Attachment Styles1297 Words  | 6 Pagesthe life span, attachment style is consistent; the theory of attachment, created by John Bowlby, describes attachment as â€Å"the lasting psychological connectedness between human beings†(McLeod). Attachment style forms during childhood through early school years and accommodates for experience and the environment we immerse in (Feeney Noller, 2 81). Through careful study, the three different attachment styles serve as a predictor for romantic adult relationships or attachment styles. The three differentRead MoreRelationship Between Sexual And Sexual Satisfaction1388 Words  | 6 PagesThe Issue: Romantic relationships are a prominent feature in many people’s lives. Some romantic relationships are healthy and others are not. Using the attachment perspective to predict relationship and sexual satisfaction, is an ongoing theme in psychology. The attachment perspective can provide knowledge and research opportunities to better understand the effects of attachment types on romantic relationships. This report specifically focuses on the effects of avoidant attachment individuals.Read MoreDevelopmental Psychology : Laser Student Number : Ruby Kiddi1624 Words  | 7 PagesSeptember 2014 Attachment Theory 1. Define attachment, including reference to key theorists/researchers in this field and the contributions they have made. Attachment style theory describes the type of attachment an infant has with its mother or other main care giver which is generally first observed in a child around 5 to 7 months of age and may continue to shape them and their relationships for the rest of their lives (Smith, Cowie Blades, 2011; Downey Feldman, 1996). Attachment is an affectionateRead MoreThe Effects Of Personal Attachment Style On Romantic Relationship Satisfaction1718 Words  | 7 PagesThe Effects of Personal Attachment Style on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction Our earliest relationships in life can be deeply formative in shaping our development. Created by John Bowlby, attachment theory relates the importance of attachment in regards to personal development. According to Bowlby, attachment is the leading factor in our ability to form and maintain relationships as adults (Levy 2012, pg. 157). As human beings, we need to feel as if we belong (Cherry, 2016). We find this belongingnessRead MoreThe Priming Of Attachment Style And The Effects On Romantic Relationship Satisfaction1734 Words  | 7 Pages Attachment Style and Relationship Satisfaction: The Priming of Attachment Style and the Effects on Romantic Relationship Satisfaction Milynn C. Scheer Point Loma Nazarene University â€Æ' Introduction Our earliest relationships in life can be deeply formative in shaping our development. Created by John Bowlby, attachment theory relates the importance of attachment in regards to personal development. According to Bowlby, attachment is the leading factor in our ability to form and maintain relationshipsRead MoreA Basic Principle Of Attachment Theory Essay1585 Words  | 7 Pagescontinues throughout a child s development soon after a child is born, an attachment begins. This attachment begins with imprinting which some call the sensitive period. During this time the child will become attached to the first caregiver seen (usually the mother) and look to it for any sort of comfort. This was discovered through Bowlby s experiment with ducks in the 1970 s, Bowlby defined attachment theory as â€Å"Attachment theory conceptualizes the propensity of human beings to make strong affectionalRead MoreCorrelation Between Parental Affection And Positive Adult Relationships Essay1694 Words  | 7 PagesAffection and Positive Adult Relationships Teena John The University of Texas at Tyler Research Methods, Fall 2016 The Correlation between Parental Affection and Future Adult Relationships A recent study showed that a person’s upbringing is the core foundation and influence on future relationships. According to Currie (as cited in Tayler, 2015) it has been shown that a child’s early encounters shape the brain foundation for future behaviors. Parent to child relationship is the core foundationRead MoreRomantic Relationships : Relationship With Intimacy, Support, Satisfaction, And Physical Attractiveness1069 Words  | 5 Pages Romantic Relationships The third and final close relationship that is formed during the course of someone’s life is romantic relationships. These romantic relationships usually involve the concept of love and is certainly is not â€Å"merely a close relationship extended to physical intimacy, and it involves more than merely being romantically or sexually interested in another person†(Baron Branscombe, 2012, p. 241). However, these relationships do not necessarily involve the prospect of love
Monday, May 18, 2020
Essay on Chapter 4 Notes ( Earth and Its People) 3rd Edition
Chapter Four! Greece and Iran 1000 – 30 B.C.E. â… Ancient Iran 1000 - 500 B.C.E †¢ Also known as the Persian Empire. †¢ Little written materials are left. A. Geography and Resources †¢ Northwest Iran was more open to attacks by the nomads of Central Asia. †¢ Irrigation in the first millennium B.C.E. enabled people to move to open plains so they could plant. †¢ Under ground irrigation channels. †¢ Human survival depended on a delicate ecological balance. B. the Rise of the Persian Empire †¢ â€Å"Iranians†spread out across western and central Asia. Europe--- India †¢ Medes was the first group to achieve a complex level of political organization. †¢ Medes settled in the northwest and came under the influence of the ancient centers in†¦show more content†¦with Sparta winning. †¢ Transforming Macedonia into premier military power. †¢ Improvements on hoplites formation. †¢ Alexander (king and son of Philip, a.k.a. Alexander the Great) defeated the Persian King Darius â… ¢. Influence by small independent communities, warring, allowed invaders and was difficult for people to develop a sense unity - GREECE â… £ The Hellenistic Synthesis 323 – 30 B.C.E. †¢ Alexander died a sudden death which sent a half-century of chaos. †¢ Hellenistic Age – epoch ushered in by the conquests of Alexander †¢ Ptolemy’s – dynasty that ruled Egypt and sometimes laid claim to Syria-Palestine †¢ the people of Egypt were only one ethnic group and easily controlled because they were mostly farmers. †¢ Antigonid dynasty ruled the Macedonian homeland and parts of northern Greece. †¢ Alexandria (made by Alexander) had a royal compound, palace, administrative buildings, mausoleum, library, research institutions, doctors, and scientists †¢ Families mattered †¢ the advanced theory of the atoms †¢ Logographers wrote in everyday language. †¢ Herodotus published his Histories. D. Athens and Sparta †¢ 2 preeminent Greek city-sates of late Archaic and Classical periods were Athens and Sparta. †¢ Ancestors of Spartans migrated into Peloponnesus. †¢ Sparta was a military camp. †¢ Athens was the opposite of Sparta. †¢ Athens had more rights for the lower class. †¢ Pericles took the last steps in the evolution of AthenianShow MoreRelatedComparing the Teaching on the Resurrection in I Corinthians and the Thessalonian Letters1499 Words  | 6 Pagespassages that reveal Pauls understanding of the resurrection. If there is a section of Scripture in the Bible that provides us with a detailed description on the subject of the resurrection, it is I Corinthians chapter 15. This chapter is known as the Resurrection Chapter. Within this chapter, Paul explains the difference between the natural body and the spiritual body, and how each fits into Gods plan for a bodily resurrection. 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Please Contact us @ : Use CTRL + F to search the titles you looking for , if the title you searching is not in the list, do not worry, send us an email at and we shall try to provide you requested data. =============================================================== Jr. 12 Solution Manual  ¡Arriba! Comunicacià ³n y cultura Student Edition by Eduardo ZayasBazà ¡nRead MoreOrganizational Behaviour Analysis28615 Words  | 115 PagesORGANISATIONAL ANALYSIS: Notes and essays for the workshop to be held on 15th - 16th Novemeber 2007 at The Marriot Hotel Slough Berkshire SL3 8PT Dr. Lesley Prince, C.Psychol., AFBPsS University of Birmingham November 2007  © Dr. Lesley Prince 2007. Organisational Analysis: Notes and Essays Page i Page ii Please do not attempt to eat these notes. 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Egyptians also underwent extensive and excessive processes to preserve their souls after death through tombs, mummification, an d offerings to the godsRead MoreEssay on Mintzberg 5 Ps of Strategy9155 Words  | 37 Pagesaspects. For example, in his popular book, Competitive Strategy, Porter devotes one chapter to Market Signals (including discussion of the effects of announcing moves, the use of the fighting brand, and the use of threats of private antitrust suits) and another to Competitive Moves (including actions to preempt com.~ petitive r e ~ p o n s e )Likewise in his subsequent book, Competitive Advantage, there is a chapter on Defensive Strategy that discusses a variety of ploys for reducing the probability Read MoreAccounting Systems, Internal Controls, and Ethics28179 Words  | 113 Pages Accounting Information Systems ACCOUNTING SYSTEMS, INTERNAL CONTROLS, AND ETHICS Prepared for the course team by Vimlesh B. Narayan Unit 1 Contents Unit 1 Contents 2 Concept Map 3 Learning Outcomes 4 1.1 Introduction 5 1.2 Accounting System Design 6 System Objectives and Design Factors 6 Designing the System 8 1.3 Internal Control Systems 17 Objectives of Internal Control Systems 17 Structure of Internal Control Systems 18 Why You Should Consider theRead MoreComputer Game Addiction Researches6657 Words  | 27 PagesAbstract iv Table of Contents v List of Tables vi List of Figures vii CHAPTER Page 1 The Problem and A Review of Related Literature Review of Related literature 2 Theories /Concepts 10 Theoretical/
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Comparison of Ballad of the Bread Man and Innocents Song...
Comparison of Ballad of the Bread Man and Innocents Song by Charles Causley and Journey of the Magi by T. S. Eliot The subject matter of Ballad of the Bread Man is the religious story of the birth, life and death of Jesus. It has all the main events of the traditional story but it is done in a modern style. The meaning of the story remains but most of the particulars have changed. For instance in the poem a bishop, five start general, and a head of an African country represent the kings. Charles Causley has bought the story up to date so it appeals to people living today, especially younger people. Children might not understand the Bible version of the story so Charles Causley has made it more accessible and†¦show more content†¦The bread is a symbol of Jesus kindness and generosity that was so cruelly ignored. Charles Causley changes a lot of the facts of the story, without changing the moral and message. He uses words such as newspaper, TV, election that were obviously not present at the time of the original story. When reading the Bible version it is sometimes hard to think it was not set in a different world to the one today. So he uses these modern words so people living today will be able to identify with the story. When he says bullet-proof limousine I dont think he is just using it for modernisation though. I think Charles Causley is implying that the kings were protected and safe in their journey, almost in an evil way. It signifies they have nothing in common with the people they are reigning over. It is also in contrast to how vulnerable Jesus is. The tone of the poem is amusing at the beginning. Causley uses humour in his poetry, which I believe again is to appeal to children. He creates images of God sitting in his big blue chair, Gabriel in the shiny gear and of the neighbours gossiping that Mary has been up to no good. These are funny because it is looking at the story from a new perspective. Before reading the poem you have not thought of it in this way. It brings another layer to the traditional story. There are small undertones of negativity that
Identity Theft in the United States - 839 Words
In American society, there a fast growing white-collar crime that is becoming more and more popular among criminals. This white collar crime is call identity theft. Thousands of people have their identities stolen every year. Identity theft happen when criminals get a hold and use other people persona information such as credit card numbers, bank accounts numbers, insurance information and social security number to purchase good and other services fraudulently. More than 9 million American are victimizes by identity theft each year. With this number being so high it is evident that identity theft is one of the fast- growing crimes to hit the United State. Three reason why identify theft if being such a fast- growing crime in the United State is because more people credit card information is being stolen, more people are shopping online and more medical information is being stolen. One reason identify theft is being a fast growing crime in the United State is because; more people credit card information is being stolen. Around 10% of American has fallen victims to credit card theft. Around 7% of Americans have been victim of debit or ATM fraud and 12% of the fraud was on internet websites and 10 % was on the telephone. One example of identity theft was eighteen months after moving in with his fiancà ©e Joe Tremba begain to receive collection letter about past due credit card account that have been given to a collection agency. Tremba who always pays his bills on time wasShow MoreRelatedIdentity Theft Paper903 Words  | 4 PagesIdentity Theft and Cards There is many of the America nation that says their identity can’t get stolen, but it can. There is even ways for your identity to be stolen with your credit cards now. Anyone can be the next victim of identity theft. That is why in this research I will tell you how you get identity theft and how to prevent identity theft, because most Americans never know it is happening. Americans need to allow themselves to come to know the cautions of identity theft. There areRead MoreThe Role Of Online Health Records855 Words  | 4 PagesIdentity Theft â€Å"Your identity is your most valuable possession. Protect it.†- The Incredibles Technology in today’s world is forever changing providing individual’s with freedoms they were not able to take advantage of prior to advancements. This can offer many advantages to the average American. The use of online health records is a prime example. Many hospitals are providing online access to a patient’s medical records to provide faster results and quicker response time. Those who receiveRead MoreIdentity Theft Is Not A New Type Of Crime776 Words  | 4 PagesMerriam-Webster defines identity theft as the illegal use of someone else s personal identifying information (such as a Social Security number) in order to get money or credit. The United States Department of Justice says identity theft is, â€Å"The short answer is that identity theft is a crime. Identity theft and identity fraud are terms used to refer to all types of crime in which someone wrongfully obtains and uses another person s personal data in some way that involves fraud or dece ption, typicallyRead Moreâ€Å"According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics Personal Fraud Survey 2010-11, an estimated total1500 Words  | 6 Pagesand over were victim of at least one incident of identity fraud in the 12 months prior to the survey interview..†(, 2014) Identity fraud is a type of fraud that involves illegally pretending to be somebody else for a beneficial gain. This can result in emotional and/or financial devastation. This is a very common legal issue facing Australian stakeholders, costing them a total of $1.4 billion AUD to date (, 2014). Identity theft has many consequences and issues that are involvedRead MoreSocial Networing Sites: Befriending Identity Theft1126 Words  | 5 Pagesdoes one think that their Facebook site is hazardous to their identity. According to the U.S. Department of Justice, an estimated 11.7 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2010 (U.S. Dept. of Justice). Identity theft is defined as a crime where someone illegally acquires and utilizes another person’s vital information to deceive for personal gain. That same year, the Federal Trade Commission reported that identity theft crimes cost businesses and individuals an estimated $53 billionRead MoreIdentity Theft Or Identity Fraud1707 Words  | 7 PagesThis problem is known as identity theft or identity fraud. The development and growth of the world wide web and personal computers being have made everyday things easier for everyone, but have also made it easier for criminals to gain access to information needed to steel someone’s identity. This is a crime which cost people thousands of dollars and countless hours of time spent to regain their losses and the damages done by having their life turned upside down by identity theft. Albrecht(2016). ThisRead MoreIdenity Theft Essay1430 Words  | 6 Pagesestimated 11.7 million Americans were victims of identity theft in 2010 (U.S. Dept. of Justice). Identity theft is defined as a crime where someone illegally acquires and utilizes another person’s vital information to deceive for personal gain. That same year, the Federal Trade Commission reported that identity theft crimes cost businesses and individuals an estimated $53 billion (Federal Trade Commission). Most Americans are familiar with identity theft but aren’t well-informed about the influence itRead MoreIdentity Theft And Its Impact On The State Of Florida1276 Words  | 6 PagesIdentity theft is a negative issue in the entire United States, but the state of Florida is where it is most common and where there is the most cases. Due to Florida having the most identity theft complaints, it is important to question just how vulnerable the state is to this form of fraud. However, it is evident that Florida needs to find more efficient ways to limit identity theft drastically, since it has led the nation in identity theft for the past three years. This paper w ill examine the stepsRead MoreEssay about Identity Theft in America1215 Words  | 5 Pagesperson’s identity can be easily changed. Many Americans are effected by this problem today. Citizens, criminals, and the government all play a role in this process. However, many disagree as to whether identity theft should be allowed in our country. Based on the history of identity theft and relationships between American citizens, the government, and this issue, identity theft should be abolished in America. The history of identity theft began around the 1950’s, prior to when our 49th state joinedRead MoreEssay on Lives Ruined with Identity Theft647 Words  | 3 PagesIdentity Theft is a severe and important issue that needs more recognizing than is currently has now. Identity Theft is when mean people go around and try to steal your Identity. If they are successful and have stolen your identity they can buy items and you will be charged. They can also ruin your credit history and reputation with your Identity. Identity theft happens every day and many people are affected daily. If your identity gets stolen it may take years to get all your stuff back. It may
Discuss the plot in Bram Stokers Dracula Essay Example For Students
Discuss the plot in Bram Stokers Dracula Essay Bram Stokers Dracula was filmed and produce in 1992 by Francis Ford Coppola. Based on the infamous vampire novel Dracula in the 1890s. The film stars Gary Oldman as Dracula throughout the film, the hero Harker is played by Keanu Reeves. Winona Ryder play two parts of the film, one is the wife of Dracula the opening sequence and later plays the fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e of Harker reincarnated. And Anthony Hopkins play the priest of the Christian church of the opening sequence and also does the voice-over for the film. Plot The film starts out in 1462 where Muslim Turks try to invade Transylvania with a massive army. Dracula, before becoming the vampire, is the commanding officer of the defending Christians of Transylvania. The eve before the battle Dracula says farewell to his wife, Elizabeta. They battled on long and hard but in the end Draculas forces ceases victory over the Turks. But the Turks wanted revenge; they did this by shooting an arrow with message saying that Dracula was killed in battle. And after reading the message she lunged herself into the river thinking that there is no point in living with your love. As Dracula returns from the battlefield unknowing that his wife has committed suicide for false reasons he shocked and then over whelmed by rage. With this rage flowing through him he shout out that he renounces God and will revenge or bring back Elizabeta with the powers of darkness. He then stabs the cross of Christ with his bloodstained sword. Just as Dracula does this, the cross starts to spurt out blood and the candle fire turns from orangey red to midnight blue. Dracula then picks up a grail or golden cup and collects the blood from the cross and then drinks it all. When finished Dracula screams very loud. After the title has faded it is 1892 London, Renfield is shown in a mental institute talking to himself about being rewarded by some dark force. He then eats a cockroach and thanks someone. Jonathon Harker is shown talking his employer about organising a property buyer in Transylvania named Dracula who wish to buy a property in London. Harker asks his employer about what happened to Renfield in Transylvania who also was trying to organise a property for Dracula. The employer replies with family problems. Mina, Harkers fiancà ¯Ã‚ ¿Ã‚ ½e talks to Harker about getting before Harkers to Transylvania. But Harker suggests they would marry after his business trip. Representation Dracula When you see Dracula in the film he is clad in red armour that is shaped like human muscles and tendons, holding a sword in an aggressive pose. Elizabeta As you see Elizabeta with Dracula she has long flowing curly hair with a tiara in it and wears on white bodice on her dress. This shows innocence and also shows her as a victim a crime of some sort. Her voice is soft gentle and high pitched. After committing suicide the dress she wore is dark and gothic now looking damned. Draculas voice After Dracula returned from the battle and is shocked by his wifes death. His voice is gruff, angry and very aggressive. This maybe because he feels betrayed by God. Visual Effects Elizabetas Death Just before you see Elizabeta plunge to her doom you see a long shot of her silhouette showing us not her colours but a darkness coming from her. It then zooms in on her and moves over the edge as Elizabeta jumps making the audience feel closely to her as she dies. It cuts from white and cloudy background showing the innocence of her to a dark red, which is showing death. You see a low angle shot (worms eye view) of Dracula as he returns from battle meaning blood and fighting. This really helps the story. .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec , .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .postImageUrl , .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec , .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec:hover , .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec:visited , .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec:active { border:0!important; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec:active , .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2fb702e84e52d85c6564767ccc6c32ec:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: How Shakespeare achieves the comic effects in Act 3, Scene 4, where Malvolio appears "cross-gartered" and in yellow stockings EssayWhen Draculas anger shows the camera pulls out and up showing Gods view of the event. This is called omnipotent. Dracula now looks small, weak and powerless. The low angle shot of the cross Christ when Dracula stabs it, this makes it look huge, powerful and important. It also shows the importance of church and its religion. However, he stabs it in the centre or the heart you could say. This is showing Draculas hate for God and Christianity. The blood flowing from the cross is showing the end of Draculas religion. At the end of the opening scene it show a close up of Dracula screaming. Sound To intro At the start of the opening scene it has a slow threatening music that gets louder and louder until there is a voice-over of a foreign mal which show that you could be from a different country. During battle During the battle there are a number of dark chords or discordant which are loud and repeating. Together with this and battle sounds this makes the audience feel the violence and emotions of the battle. Draculas return As Dracula returns to the church the music rhythm stops. This makes it sound like someones heat has stopped beating. Then just silence until he is overwhelmed by the shock of his wifes death. This is to emphasis to drama and horror of it. When Dracula stabs the cross a females voice or females voices chanting a religious or holy type of music. As the title appears the music gains volume until complete and utterly stop.
The Progressive and the Fixed Tax System-Free-Samples for Students
Question: Do Comparison between the Progressive and the Fixed Tax System. Answer: Introduction The report proposes to discuss on the topic whether progressive tax system is seen to be fairer in perspective of a taxpayer in Canadian context in the province of Alberta. It also aims to find whether the amount of taxes paid by a taxpayer is appropriate given his or her income level. Some of the important consideration of the topic has been seen to be dealing with conceptualization of fair taxation system and discern which of the system will result in less overall taxes being paid by the taxpayer or whether the amount is appropriate with the given income level (Alm, 2014). Scope and limitation The main form of the scope and the limitation will be only based on the assessment of fair taxation system rather than the consideration of fixed taxation system. The various scope of the study is related to the Canadian taxation system regulations in the province of Alberta. The study will only examine the advantages and disadvantages of progressive and fair taxation system and also discern whether the amount of taxes paid by a taxpayer is appropriate given his or her income level and consider the amount of tax paid as per the same. The limitation in the research methodology will be only considered by the interpretation of secondary data through application of qualitative research techniques. Some of the other limitation has been based on the application of deductive research (Chiroleu-Assouline Fodha, 2014). Overview and Comparison between the Progressive and the Fixed Tax System Progressive Tax System Overview Progressive tax system is identified as that taxation system in which the tax rate increases at an increasing amount. Progressive in general has been indented as the determination tax progression from low to high. The resultant consideration of taxpayer has been considered with taxpayers average tax, which is discerned less than the persons marginal tax rate. The aforementioned terms may be applied with the tax incidence of people with a lower ability to pay, as the this shift may be a result of the ability of the people to pay from higher to lower ability of paying tax. The main form of the implementation of the term has been evident with personal income tax where the people have lower income percentage to pay rather than higher income. The adjustments of the tax base have been considered with tax exemptions, tax credits, or selective taxation system. Based on the Canadian tax system some of the main examples of progressive tax system have been discerned with property tax, sales tax on luxury goods, or the exemption of sales taxes on basic necessities. Some of the various types of the other consideration of the progressive tax can be seen with increasing tax burden for families with higher income group and reduction of the tax with the lower income group. The progressive tax system is recognised with the consideration of the various types of the factors which has been seen to be associated to the refundable tax. This particular form of the taxation has a direct impact on reducing the income inequality. In 2016, the individuals below $ 9275 of the taxable income need to make a payment of 10% on the income tax. The progressivity of a tax system has been seen to be based on the various types of the associated factor which has been seen with the direct related to the tax system as per the rise of tax with the income of an individual. One particular example of the progressive tax system is seen to be evident with the consideration with the various types of the asso ciated factors has been seen to be related to the tax code following a lower rate of 10% and a high rate of 30%, and another tax code has income tax rates ranging from 10% to 80% (Lee, 2016). Advantages Progressive tax is conducive in reducing the income inequality and fairer way of taxation system. The main form of the benefit of the progressive taxation system has been considered with reduction in the income inequality. The income inequality has been considered with that segment of the population, which is seen to consider a larger share of the economys wealth in one particular segment. The fairer consideration of the progressive taxation system includes payment of taxes at a flat rate for those who will be able to earn as much are not required to pay as much back. In this procedure, the individuals will be able to get the most out of the systems supporting the same (Pntya et al., 2016). The biggest advantage of progressive tax has been is depicted with people who are earning more income and falling under lower income category. Hence, in this particular method the systems will be able to put lesser pressure on the lesser capable middle class of the population (Saad, 2014). The sys tem is seen with the sense of satisfaction which has been considered with the distribution of the taxes as per the income of the individuals. Henceforth, the application of these types of the tax system will be able to ensure proper allocation of the tax in a country. Another significant benefit of the application of the progressive taxation system is based on the various type of the important consideration which has been seen to be associated with the direct relevance of the several of the factors which needs to be evaluated as per the increasing nature of the taxable base (Saez, 2013). The main form of the advantage of the progressive tax has been seen with reducing the tax burden with the individuals who will be able to afford the same. These systems will be able to leave money among the low wage earners and those who will be able to stimulate the overall economy. The different types of the progressive tax systems will be having the ability to collect more amount of tax than the flat taxes along with the various types of the regressive taxes. The tax rate is seen to be increasing with the increment in the income, the progressive taxes are able to allow the people with the highest amount of the resources to a greater portion of the services to all the people and business with first responders and snow removal (Doerrenberg Peichl, 2013). Disadvantages The main form of the disadvantage of this type of the taxation system has been seen to be based on the various types of the important consideration which has been related to the factors related to punishing those individuals working hard and earning money in a particular way which discourages people for work as there is not added incentives for the people having higher income and the earning sufficient amount of money. Another significant limitation of the tax evasion system takes into account with cases of tax evasion and rich people who will be able to exploit the possible means of paying less tax (Mustapha Obid, 2015). Henceforth, this system shows that the tax payers are more prone to evade taxes. Another significant form of the disadvantage of the progressive taxation system is based on the varied factors which has been associated to the different types of the issues related to the scope of the manipulation of the tax and hence in this system the individual are not able to main tain an uniform tax rate. In several types of the other occasion the different types of the factors for the payment of the tax as per the progressive system of the taxation is seen to be related to dependent and subjective as the personal opinions given by the tax officials (Bacher Brlhart, 2013). Fixed Tax System Overview Fixed tax is discerned as a lump sum amount of tax which has been seen to be based on the consideration of the various types of the factors related to the measurement of the taxes as a percentage of the taxes as per the tax base. Fixed taxes are considered as poll or sin tax which are often seen to be considered as regressive in nature. As the citizens are able to share a common road, protection of military, policing and varies types of the other factors related to the different factors other than government, some of the individual, are seen to be of the opinion that the consideration of the fixed taxation system should include the citizen to pay for basic infrastructure (Isa, 2014). The fixed form of the taxation system has been based on the various types of the consideration associated to maintaining a constant marginal rate and usually seen to be applied to individuals with specific corporate income. The true form of the foxed taxation system has been discerned to be based on the varied types of the consolation which has been seen to be based on the deductions made as per the majority of the existing deductions made in the taxation system. The consideration of the charitable deductions is seen to be based on the varied types of the factors which has seen with charitable deductions and in several types of the occasions the consideration of the flat rate of eh taxation system has been considered with home mortgages. This particular factor has been discussed as per the various types of the consideration of the fixed taxation system which will be able to eliminate the various types of the existing deductions to simplify the taxes (Heinemann Kocher, 2013). Advantages The main form of the advantage of the fixed taxation system has been seen with the simplicity component. The varied type of the other factors related to the consideration of the flat tax system has been included for the ease of computation by the internal revenue service and straightforward payments from taxpayers. The flat form of the tax has is seen to be considered with various types of the significant factors which has been seen to be related to the consideration of the taxes with a single source of income. This makes the report easier to understand. The different type of the other consideration of the taxation system is based on factors related to the elimination of double taxation. The concept of the flat taxation has been considered to be popular for the purpose of the varied types of the other factors which has been seen to be taken into account with different factors which is directly seen to be associated to the implementation of the present IRS regulation (Azrina Mohd Yuso f et al., 2014). This particular system of the taxation has been able to eliminate the varied type of the factors for eliminating death tax and capital gains in addition to the double taxation. The flat system of the tax includes the various types of the factors which have been seen to be related to the differed types of the consideration for elimination of the unnecessary payment of interest and dividend at individual levels. The flat rate of the taxation system is able to eliminate the different the factors which has been seen to be associated to global tax system at a global scale on long-term basis. The varied type of the consideration for the fixed rate of the taxation system is able to take into consideration the fairness factor. For instance a taxpayer making $ 5000 is seen to earn $ 500000. The tax payer making a payment of $ 500000 has been able to simple consider greater income with the percentage of income made by an individual (Mookhey, 2013). Disadvantages The opponent of the fixed rate of tax system has been able to discern that the low income segment of the population has been seen to be considered with the lower amount of the payment of the taxation has been seen to directly associated with the individuals with lower income. The various types of the negative aspects of the fixed taxation is associated to the different type of the families of lower income group need to consideration of the expenditure of the same amount as with the individuals having higher rated of income. IRS implementation is taken into account with imposing numerous trained personnels in the fixed rate of the taxation system. Several individuals are seen to believe that the flat rate of the taxation system has been seen to reduce the overall tax and the actual form of the tax benefitted from the same. The tax rate is taken onto consideration with those individuals who are directly seen to be associated to the several form of detrimental factors such as inequity i n the economic system (Liu, 2013). Analysis and Interpretation Based on the several types of the considerations of the progsressive and the regressive taxation system it has been seen to be discerned that the fixed system of the taxation has been seen to be evident with entities with low income that needs to consider a payment of higher amount among the higher income group. The consideration of the progressive taxes has been seen to be evident with present federal income tax in the U.S. and Alberta province of Canada with a particular proportion of tax liability, which is seen to increase based on the individual income level. The various types of the consideration related to the tax burden consider high income earners among the lower or middle income group of people. The consideration of the progressive taxation system is seen to be based on present taxation system followed in Canada. In this system the tax burden increases with the increase in income of the entity. The rationale for the shift from flat taxation to progressive taxation has been discerned with the fact that Albertans wanted higher taxes at higher income levels. The people who can afford to pay the little extra amount should be only included in the higher tax slabs. The government introduced a new health-care contribution levy applied on progressive basis to individuals having annual income of more than $ 50000. In case of the flat taxation system the tax payers would have to still bear this levy, which was not favoured by many individuals. After the introduction of progressive taxation, individuals with more than $100,000 annually and $250,000 annually, experienced an increase of 0.5 percentage points in each of the next three years. This will lead to an overall increase of 11.5% by 2018 (Saad, 2014). Conclusion The main depictions of the study have been able to reveal that progressive taxation system is considered to be fairer than fixed taxation system. In case of fixed taxes, individuals and entities with lower income often need to pay a higher amount of taxes as compared to the individuals with high income. The implementation of the tax liability as per the ability to pay has been more prominent under progressive taxes. In case of progressive tax, proportion of tax liability is seen to increase based on individual level of income. Some of the other recommendation for the progressive tax has been done with inclusion of gross receipts, per capita taxes and occupational taxes. The income and profits are considered as per progressive or increasing tax rate schedule. The Marginal tax rates are often considered with payment of average tax rates. 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