Friday, November 29, 2019
The Truman Doctrine free essay sample
According to womb. Historiographers. Co. UK/ Truman_doctrine, The Truman doctrine happened March 12, 1947. It was a speech by President Harry S. Truman. The Truman Doctrine gave economic and military aid to Greece and Turkey because they were threatened by communism. At this point in time there was already a policy trying to contain communism called the Containment Policy. The Containment Policy was a reaction to a series of moves by the Soviet Union to expand communist influence in Eastern European, China, Korea, and Vietnam.Similar to the containment policy the Truman doctrine of the United States was to support free people who are resisting being conquered by armed minorities or by outside pressures, which was said directly by President Truman. Truman had to convince congress that a crisis in two far away countries would threaten the security of the United States, and that four hundred million dollars was needed to save Greece and Turkey. We will write a custom essay sample on The Truman Doctrine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This was going to be a very difficult task because the republicans had gotten into power in 1946 by cutting taxes and aid to overseas. Students Truman, Secretary of State George Marshall and undersecretary Dean Achaeans, who later became secretary of state, had to figure out a way to get America to understand that they needed to aid Greece and Turkey. Truman, Marshall, and Achaeans were among the most influential people in congress. Cohesions loyalty and coaching certainly raised Traumas confidence in foreign affairs but also elevated the authority of the brilliant entrepreneur at his side (Besides 106). The two mens partnership had much to do with the success and clarity of Traumas foreign policy (Besides 106).Dean Achaeans devised the policy, and wrote the request to congress for aid to Greece and Turkey. A speech that stressed the dangers or totalitarianism rather than Soviet aggression and marked fundamental change in American foreign policy has become known as the Truman Doctrine. Achaeans said If the Soviets can win in Greece and in Turkey then they would be in a position where there would be soviet pressure on Italy, on the Mediterranean, and once that pressure was established there would pressure Western Europe and pretty soon the United States would be standing alone. Achaeans figured he only way to get the republicans i n congress and the Americans on board for sending aid overseas was to scare the everyone. Scare them in the sense that if they do not send aid overseas that the United States would be alone and wouldnt have allies because they can potentially be conquered by communism spread by the Soviet Union. The beginning of the Truman Doctrine, President Truman began to outline the situation in Greece. He told congress Greece must have assistance if it is going to survive as a free nation, and become a self-supporting and a self-respecting democracy.Truman explained that without help Greece would shortly fall to communism and if Greece fell to communism Turkey would not be far behind. The key part of President Traumas speech was to explain and justify his change if foreign policy to congress. In order to do this he reminded congress that the Ignited States has fought World War II and joined the United Nations to protect freedom and democracy. Next he told congress that communism was growing. President Truman defined the Cold War as a conflict between good and bad, as a choice between capitalism and communism, as dictatorship and necromancy.Truman believed it must be the policy of the United States to support countries who resisted communism. Undersecretary Dean Achaeans explained to Truman that if the United states let one country fall to communism the surrounding countries would also fall to communism like dominoes. After Achaeans explain this to Truman, Truman then introduced that idea to the rest of the congress and American people, according to http:// history. State. Gob/departmentally/ Truman. The Truman Doctrine basically led into the Marshall Plan. The Marshall Plan was to contain communism by eloping the economies of Europe to get stimulated again. The Cold War could have ended much worse if congress did not let the United States spend four hundred million dollars and aid Greece and Turkey. The Cold War could have only been avoided only if the Soviet Union had not been possessed by the convictions both of the infallibility of the communist world and of the inevitability of the communist world (Bellman 131). The Truman Doctrine is a primary source. It is a primary source because it was a speech by the president that is on video and there were many witnesses.It was a fact that he Soviet Union was trying to spread communism and it can be proven by government documents and policies. The Truman Doctrine is also an extremely reliable source because it is a proven fact that the United States President Harry S. Truman did make the speech and the United States did offer aid to Greece and Turkey so they did not fall to communism. One can find the Truman Document in the government archives today. Considering the fact that this was by the President of the United States it was written and spoken in the English language therefore, none of it was interpreted wrong. The Truman Doctrine free essay sample President Harry S. Truman defined United States foreign policy in the context of Its new role as a world superpower. Many historians consider his speech to Congress as the words that officially started the Cold War. The Truman Doctrine was a major break from U. S. Historical trends of isolationist foreign policy. His speech led to the Cold War policy of containment. Moreover, it served as a precedent for future U. S. Logic of interventionism. According to Stephen Ambrose, an important quote from Traumas speech, l believe that it must be the policy of the United States to support free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or by outside pressures, stands as all encompassing and would define American policy for the next generation and beyond. l Faced with Strong opposition, Truman Was still able to achieve a consensus in Congress aimed at quelling the communist threat through active foreign policy and involvement. We will write a custom essay sample on The Truman Doctrine or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page The Truman Doctrine not only demonstrated the new foreign policy of the U. S. But also helps to explain American foreign policy since the Doctrines inception. At the end of World War II, the military and foreign policies of the White House were moving in opposite directions. Militarily, the U. S. Adopted a position of rapid demutualization after the war. Meanwhile, Truman had a strong desire to meet the communist threat head on. Congress, however, did not share Traumas view of needing to meet the Communist challenge wherever it appeared. For example, Senator Robert Taft, a prominent Republican senator, expressed the current mood when he objected to any attempt by the Administration to divide the world into communist and anti- communist zones, for he did not want war with the Soviet Union. As for the sentiment of the American public, there was no denying that the majority of the American people did not want to embark on a Crusade. With opposition from not only the American public but also from Congress, President Truman had to take action in order to convince Americans of the reality of the Soviet threat, in addition to the threat of communism in general.In fact, Truman was even told that he would need to scare the hell out of the American people. He did just that with the Truman Doctrine. Truman showed the American people a legitimate threat to their way of life by creating the idea of us-versus-them, th e communist way of life versus the American capitalist lifestyle. From that point on, everyone was classified as either a IS. S. Supporter or as a communist. The Truman Doctrine fulfilled the American desire for all wars to be epic battles between light and darkness, good versus evil, which in the end unified most dissenters to Traumas cause.Nevertheless, the stipulations outlined in the Truman Doctrine did not accurately depict the development Of American society. In 1947, the U. S. Was a place of free institutions, representative government, and freedom of religion, in which society direction was strongly influenced by the will of the majority. However, the U. S. Was not a place that guaranteed individual liberties for everyone nor freedom from oppression. Yet even if Traumas words were not an accurate depiction of the direction of American society, they undoubtedly affected its progress.The Truman Doctrine facilitated future foreign entanglements such as the Korean War and the Vietnam War, which were justified by the need to defend inherent freedoms of foreigners, even though the freedoms of Americas own citizens were not guaranteed for all. Surely, when black soldiers were sent to these places of conflict to help fight for the freedoms of others, freedoms that they themselves did not possess at home, the irony did not go unnoticed. Another example of the Truman Doctrines inconsistencies with American society is found in the witch hunts of Senator Joseph McCarthy.Once again, while Truman spoke of protecting other peoples of the world from political oppression, he did not rotate US. Citizens from those very oppressions. In the Tidings Committee Report, which criticized McCarthy, it is written that: The spectacle (McCarthy) is one we would expect in a totalitarian nation where the rights of the individual are crushed beneath the juggernaut of static and oppression; it has no place in America where government exists to serve people, not to destroy them. S This statement demonstrates the extent of the problem in American society just a few years after Truman gave his speech concerning the superior freedoms present in the American way of life. Although developments in American society contradicted what Truman articulated in his 1 947 doctrine, the ideals he highlighted are, and have always been, ones that Americans like to think are deeply rooted in what it means to be a U. S. Citizen living in the land of the free. At the time Truman gave his speech, the three most important factors influencing his policy formation were the American monopoly on the atomic bomb, the disastrous state of Western Europe due to World War II, and the domino effect. It is debatable whether or not the U. S. Monopoly on the atomic bomb in the late 1 sass really put Americans at an advantage when dealing with the Soviets, however, its effect on the formation of U. S. Foreign policy is not. The creation of the atomic bomb, coupled with the idea that the Soviets could get their hands on this weapon, amplified the consequences of going to war with the Soviet Union.In fact, it alluded to the possible mutual destruction of the U. S. And the U. S. S. R. , as well as the planet, in doomsday scenarios feared by many. The state of Europe at the time was also an important factor because if the LLC . S. Did not take on the communist challenge there would be no one left to defend the free world. Since Western Europe played that same role earlier during both World Wars, it was time for the U. S. To take over, as Western Europe was devastated by WI.
Monday, November 25, 2019
drama improvisation essays
drama improvisation essays processes for the Elizabethan period In this essay based on improvisation, and the process that we undertook in the play building process I will describe the processes and stages that we went through but first, the main period of time that inspired our drama play was Elizabethan, theater during the Elizabethan times was often based around the lives and deaths of monarchs (kings and queens). Our play relates to the conventions of theater at the time because it was based around monarchs. The central purpose of this play was to point out the amount of superstition and envy that was often in the royal family but never seen by the public, as well as to entertain and educate the viewing audience about the Elizabethan times and what the Elizabethan plays were about and the sort of characters that were involved in these sort of plays: witches, kings, queens, princesses, soldiers, lady in waiting, and princes. As well as any other characters that may be required. The characters of out play are representative of characters of the sixteenth century because the witch planted a seed of ambition in the princess and the king goes off to battle, and the queen receives a report that the king is missing in action and presumed dead. The princess thinks that she should be the one to assume the throne because she is older than her brother but, when her brother is crowned heir to the throne the infuriated princess goes to the witch for a prediction of the future. This is where the witch plants the seed of ambition; this is an example of representation of characters of the sixteenth century. The plot of our drama performance was a reminiscent of the sixteenth century because there are witches, but the main similarity between our play and a drama performance of the sixteenth century is that in the sixteenth century drama a monarch was usually killed, in our play a monarch was also killed, the monarch tha ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Competitor Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Competitor Analysis - Research Paper Example They also provide financial services to customers. The revenue of the automotive sector comes from sales of the vehicles and associated parts and accessories. The company treats marketing and sales incentives as reduction tool for revenue. Majority of the vehicles are transported from the manufacturing plants to customers directly. The vehicles are also put into repurchase option. The revenue from financial services stems from the interests that are generated on the receivables. It also includes the deferred origination costs, which comprise reduction in financing revenue (â€Å"Annual Report 2012†). In 2006, Ford had borrowed $23 billion for restructuring the company, according to the CEO standard. This had created concerns among the investors, even though the company did not file as bankrupt, like its fellow competitors. However, the company has shown effort in reducing total debt to $14.5 billion by the end of 2010 (â€Å"The Bull Case For Ford Stock†). The company has announced to liquefy the fund of a trust, established by them long back, in order to repay $ 5 billion. Chief Financial Officer of Ford has exclaimed that the company has concentrated on reducing the total debt, so that they can strengthen their business and gain trust of the investors. The company has said that the payment made towards elimination of debt has reduced their interest payment to $190 million annually (â€Å"Ford Motor Company Stocks Rise as Debt Decreases†). The best news that was provided by the company at the end of third quarter of 2010 is that the cash generated from automotive operation was $ 2.6 billion and it retired $7 billion of debt which lowered their annual interest payment (â€Å"Ford Is Slowly Climbing Out Of Debt†) In 2008, the company had to encounter major issues regarding the sale of Ford Five Hundred. They had anticipated the vehicle to be a success in the market. However, styling and
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Singapore Tourism Profile Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Singapore Tourism Profile - Research Paper Example This tourism profile will examine certain aspects of Singaporean culture and life that have a direct impact on tourism in Singapore and throughout the region. Role and Significance of Major Cities Singapore is quite unique in that it is a city-state. By definition, this means that it is a one-city country, similar to Vatican City. The only geographical distinction in Singapore is that, over time, they have named a few small town and villages in the remote parts such as Tao Payoh, Ang Mo Kio, and Bedok. The major city of Singapore is the economic hub of Southeast Asia and is one of the prosperous and most expensive cities to live in globally (Henderson 124). Cultural Factors Through the years, Singapore has become a mix of Chinese, Malay, Indian, and British influence. This has created a rich and diverse culture that has evolved over the years into what it is today. Modern day Singapore began largely as a large fishing village under the auspices of the British Empire. The unique aspec t of the Singaporean culture is that many different ethnicities have coexisted alongside each other for so many years that there is little separation along racial lines today (Phua, Berkowitz, & Gagermeir 1255). While there is certainly a class struggle taking place, as in most first world countries, the country is not divided by ethnicity. When visiting Singapore, tourists would be interested know that the family structure is extremely strong. For the most part, Singaporean families are quite small, averaging only one or two children. The exception would be ethnic Malays, who tend to have more children (Phua, Berkowitz, & Gagermeir 1255). The cost of raising a family is extremely expensive on the island, likely accounting for the small family size. Because of this, the family unit is central to the culture. Because of the focus on education, young people are delaying getting married, particularly women, limiting their childbearing years. This has created a potential problem in term s of under population, already represented in the amount of foreign labor that the country depends on to keep advancing. The population growth in Singapore is one of the lowest in the world. While it is difficult to say that any country has truly achieved gender equality, Singapore certainly appears to be headed in that direction, if they have not already arrived. Women currently hold high positions in both the government and private business sectors. Women and men alike have the same rights when it comes to politics, employment, and education (Heng & Low 249). In addition, both men and women have rights to maternity leave, making this a unique part of Asian culture and similar to many countries in the rest. As tourists prepare to travel to the Republic of Singapore, they should note that the many residents are bilingual. Most Singaporeans speak English as their main language, although people from the West will note some variations in word choice and accent. In addition to English, many people will speak Mandarin Chinese, Malay, or Tamil. The educational system in Singapore it structured in English, with a child’s second language being taught as their foreign language. Climate and Topography Singapore itself is only 269 square miles in total. An interesting fact is that this makes the land size only four times bigger than the District of Columbia in the United States. The island is located just to the south of the Malaysian Peninsula, which,
Monday, November 18, 2019
Analyse of the book Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Analyse of the book - Assignment Example The second section evaluates the arguments of the article, the third and last section assesses the significance of the article. The theme of the article under review is interactive television, abbreviated as ITV or iTV. ITV is a type of media convergence that adds data services to conventional television(Oliver & Grant, 1995). These value-added services include the delivery of content on-demand as well as newer services such as online banking and shopping. ITV illustrates that new information technologies can be integrated into older, established technologies and enterprise settings. This contrasts with those technological advancements that create economic opportunities outside established commercial arrangements. An example of the second category of technologies is the Internet. The first patent for interactive TV was registered in the USA in 1994 and commercialized the following year. iTV presents a scale of the level of interactivity that ranges from low to high through medium(Oliver & Grant, 1995). Low interactivity allows the television viewer to perform basic tasks such as increasing and reducing volume and switching between channels. Medium interactivity may enable the viewer to watch a movie on demand, but without the ability to adjust sound effects, for example. High interactivity offers the viewer the greatest degree of flexibility. An example of a high interactivity environment is a show in which the viewer of the show is invited to cast their vote to determine who the shows progresses. The provider of a program need not provide a return path in low and moderate interactivity settings. For instance, a person who downloads a movie from an online movie store can watch the movie on their personal computer once the movie is downloaded. The movie store may have provided the viewer with software they need to watch a movie, but is not involved in the actual wat ching of it. For interactivity to be said to exist, the viewer has to be in
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Analysing The Religious Views On Euthanasia Philosophy Essay
Analysing The Religious Views On Euthanasia Philosophy Essay When it comes to religious point of views on issues, euthanasia is one of the most controversial moral topics of all time. Euthanasia comes from the Greek word ÃŽÂ µÃƒ ¡Ã‚ ½Ã‚ ÃŽÂ ¸ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ½ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ±Ãƒ Æ’ÃŽÂ ¯ÃƒÅ½Ã‚ ± meaning good death. Euthanasia can be defined as the practice of ending a life in a technique that reduces pain and suffering ( Eike-Henner 11). Religions such as the Roman Catholics and Orthodox Judaism oppose euthanasia on the grounds that it invades Gods territory of life and death. Life is considered a gift from God and should only be taken back by God. There are different forms of euthanasia: voluntary/involuntary and active/passive. Active euthanasia is the inducement of death by taking specific steps such overdose of painkillers or sleeping pills. Passive euthanasia, on the other hand, is the discontinuation of medical treatment in a terminal case so as to allow the patient have a natural death. Voluntary euthanasia is killing a person for the purpose of relieving pain from terminal or incurable illness or injury with their consent. Finally, involuntary euthanasia is killing a person for the purpose of relieving suffering without first obtaining the persons consent. This paper will examine the ethical views of the Roman Catholics and the Orthodox Jews on the act of euthanasia. The Roman Catholic teachings have a precise definition for euthanasia. Pope John Paul II describes it as an act or omission which of itself or by intention causes death, with the purpose of eliminating all suffering (Evangelium vitae [Ev], 1995, n. 65). The Church teaches that it is morally unacceptable and constitutes it as a murderous act, which is contrary to what they call the dignity of a person. Namely that every individual is born with dignity, and they are an estimable value. They value the human life, because a person indeed is priceless, for they are created by God. Euthanasia is an act that denies respect of God, the creator. Even if a person is acting on good faith, nothing changes the nature of what euthanasia is; at the very base euthanasia is an act of murder. When it comes to physicians assisted suicide the Roman Catholics describe it as a grave sin against God, because it suggests that a person is in charge of their body instead of God the creator. Physicians assiste d suicide can be defined as a doctor or medical staff person prescribes a lethal amount of medication with the intent of assisting a person commit suicide (John 151). The patient then takes the dose or turns the switch. Since preserving life is the greatest good for Catholics, they believe that the 5th commandment in the Old Testament of the Bible says it all Thou shall not kill (John 14). They believe this applies to killing oneself or killing someone else who has asked to die such as a terminally ill patient. No human being has the authority to make life and death decisions. Killing denies the victim something that he or she values greatly, continued life or a future. Moreover, since continued life is necessary for pursuing future endeavors, killing brings the suppression of all of these plans. Therefore, Catholics believe that doctor assisted-suicide deprives an individual of a future that they potentially couldve had. In the case of sustaining life, it is said that one is obligated to use ordinary means, but one is not always obligated to use extraordinary means. The term ordinary means refers to all medicines, treatments, and operations, which offer a reasonable hope of benefit for the patient and which can be obtained and used without excessive expense, pain, or other inconvenience. By contrast, extraordinary means refers toall medicines, treatments, and operations which cannot be obtained or used without excessive expense, pain or other inconvenience, or which, if used, would not offer a reasonable hope of benefit. (John 30). These two concepts are derived from the general distinctions between avoiding evil and doing good. Thus, the duty to preserve life is a duty to do good which has reasonable limits, whereas euthanasia or mercy killing is evil and hence must be avoided. The Catholic position is a firm no to active euthanasia, but passive euthanasia could be acceptable in certain limited case s. For example, a therapy which was only prolonging death in a hopeless case and is morally acceptable, since the ultimate purpose is not suicide or euthanasia, but rather, an act whose moral object may be precisely described as allowing the patient to die for legitimate reasons. According to Roman Catholics, everything happens for a reason, by trying to control life or death, we would be interfering with Gods will. The sanctity of life principle, which rests on the human persons unique relationship with God, is the basis of the Churchs honoring of human life as a basic value. Under this principle, direct intervention to end the life of a patient in a terminal condition would not be condoned. This negative position also follows from the religious principle of divine sovereignty, the idea that God has the right over life and death, and the end of human life is not subject to a persons free judgment (Eike-Henner 32). Catholics believe that the end of life is a very spiritual time, and euthanasia happens to interrupt this spiritual moment. As stated in the bible So God made man to his own image, to the image of God he created him: male and female he created them. (Genesis 1:27). (Eike-Henner 37). Saying that God made man to his own image, does not mean that human beings look like God, but rather human beings have distinct capacity for rational existence that permits them to see what is good and want what is good. As people flourish these capabilities, they live a life that is equivalent to Gods life of love. The Roman Catholic Church affirms mans basic unity and his living in this world for God and for others. More than simply living in this world, the Church affirms life as a participation in the life of God in such a way that earthly life makes it possible and prepares one for participation in eternal life. Everyone faces death in its inevitability, a reality occurring only once. Catholics however, believe that death, like birth and life, is part of the same hu man condition. One is born in order to live and eventually die, having made the very best one could of all three conditions in one continuing totality. Death comes at the end of life so that one may go forward and meet in fullness having completed that life. Judaism is, in its essence, a life affirming faith. And Thou Shall live by them Gods Commandments, (Leviticus 18:5) is the central imperative of Torah. Orthodox Judaism is one of the modern Jewish movements who believe that both the Written and Oral Torah are divine and represents the word of God. (John 37) When it comes to the topic of euthanasia, Orthodox Jews believe that man is charged with preserving, dignifying and hallowing his life. But he is not given the absolute title over his life and body, only its caretaker, for life is a gift from God, to whom the individual is responsible for its preservation. My God, the soul with which Thou hast endowed me is pure. Thou hast created it. Thou hast formed it. Thou has breathed it into meà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã‚ ¦So long as there is soul within me, I give thanks before Thee, Lord my God. (John 99) Man is never called upon to determine whether life is worth living. According to Orthodox Jews life is a gift of infinite value. Since infinity is, by definition indivisible, it clearly makes no moral difference whether one shortens life by many years or by a few minutes, or he was old and physically or mentally disabled. In such cases, suicide is no less culpable than murder. When it comes to physician assisted suicide, one aspect needs to be taken into consideration, The Hippocratic Oath. The physician derives his ethical warrant from the Hippocratic Oath, which on one hand, requires that he desist from supplying deadly medicine to his patients for the purpose of hastening their demise, or even from offering advice which may lead to suicide, and on the other, that he relieves suffering. The discontinuation of artificial life supporting therapy is determined by the halakhic status (Jewish Law) of the terminally ill patient. A person who is regarded as having no chance of survival beyond 12 months, in spite of the application of all unknown therapeutic techniques is called a treifah (Eike-Henner 87). Therefore, regarded as a living being, and its ephemeral life has full halakhic value. However, if one kills a treifah is guilty of murder. However, if death is imminent, in consequence of loss of a vital organ or massive arterial bleeding it is termed a nevei la me-hayyim (Eike-Henner 87) and is not considered as already dead, because recovery is possible in exceptional cases. The final phase for terminally ill patients is called goses, (Eike-Henner 88) which is the inability to swallow own saliva. According to Judaism it is generally held that most patients in this condition cannot recover and that death will come within 3 days. If thats the case, then, the physician may discontinue medication for the existing condition and does not need to initiate treatment of an unrelated and possibly fatal complication. In all cases, nutriments as well as painkillers should be supplied. Among rabbinic ethicists, Rav Moshe Feinstein holds that when a patient is gripped by unbearable pain and suffering, nature should be allowed to take its course. Thus when a patient is on a respirator and the machine is temporarily removed for servicing, if the patient shows no sign of life the machine need not be restored (John 87). However, Orthodox Jews do allow f or the termination of artificial means of the patient if such means does not enhance the patients state and are the only things keeping the patient alive. It is also acceptable to take strong painkillers, even it they hasten death, as long as the drug is not the cause of death and the intention is to alleviate pain and not to cause death. Orthodox Jews do recognize the pain and suffering a patient experiences and the effect it has on the family, however, the Jewish faith has always responded against the termination of a persons life, even in the most severe cases when it may become evident to them that life is meaningless. Roman Catholics and Orthodox Jews have similar ethical views when it comes to the termination of ones life. They believe that suffering is used to purify ones soul, and God has the only right over a persons body. Dr. Kavorkian also known as Dr. Death is an American pathologist that performed assisted suicide in 1990s. From an Orthodox Jews perspective, Dr. Kavorkian is known as a murderer, because under the Jewish law, any form of active euthanasia is strictly prohibited and condemned as plain murder. Murder is one of the 3 fundamental sins prohibited by the Torah, and anyone who kills a person is guilty to the death penalty as a common murder. Similarly, the Roman Catholics disapprove physician-assisted suicide or euthanasia, on the grounds that it invades Gods property and to assist some in committing suicide is to commit murder, which goes against Gods unequivocal commandment Thou Shall not Kill. Euthanasia is one of the most controversial topics facing religions. The Bible and the Torah both state that human life is the property of God, and as humans we are only caretakers of that property, and have no consent of destroying something that does not belong to us. Every human life is valuable, regardless of their age, sex, or race. Catholics and Orthodox Jews would state that anybody who insists that they have the choice to terminate their life is denying the truth of their intrinsic relationship with God. People should not ask for euthanasia because no one knows the significance of each human being, for every human life is priceless
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Physics of the Ear Essay -- Term Papers Research
Physics of the Ear The ear is an extraordinary human organ that many people take for granted until it doesn’t function. It is the only device that allows the human to hear sounds in their environment. The ear is made up of many parts that distinguish various sounds through different means. The ear anatomy and physiology along with how sound waves are transmitted into meaningful sounds will help one understand how hearing loss occurs. The ear is made up of three areas: the outer, middle, and inner ear. The outer ear is very important for collecting sound waves. It is made up of the pinna and the ear canal. The pinna, the actual physical outward appearance of the ear, receives sound waves and begins to funnel them into the ear canal. The ear canal is also known as the auditory meatus which is basically a convoluted tube. The next part of the ear, the tympanic membrane, is the beginning of the middle ear. The ear drum is crucial in the ability to hear. The tympanic membrane leads to a chain of small bones known as the malleus (hammer), incus (anvil), and the stapes (stirrup). The stapes is ended with the footplate, a bone that looks like a stirrup. This area is known as the middle ear or the tympanic cavity. Located at the bottom of this area is the Eustachian tube which leads down to the throat. Its main purpose is to maintain the equalization of pressure between the tympanic cavity and the atmosphere as the air in the cavity is absorbed by the cells of its surface. The next area is the inner ear. This area contains many important structures to the hearing process. It begins with the oval window which is struck by the footplate of the Stapes. The cochlea is the area where most sound is transmitted from waves into impulses. W... ... environment. In order to do that we must know the anatomy of our ear and how it functions. An important function is how the sound wave is transmitted into meaningful information through means of frequency, amplitude, and location. By understanding how the ear functions people are able to understand and prevent hearing loss. WORKS CITED David, Edward E. Jr., John K. Pierce, and William A. Van Bergeijk. Waves, and the Ear. NY: Anchor Books. 1960. p- 34-50 Kirkpatrick, Larry D. and Gerald F. Wheeler. Physics: A World View, 4th ed. Orlando, FL. Harcourt College Publishers: 2001. p- 365-71 Littler, T.S. The Physics of the Ear, v3. NY: Macmillan Company. 1965. P- 1-9 Pickles, James O. An Intro to the Physiology of Hearing. NY: Academic Press. 1982. p- 264- 79 Sataloff, Joseph. Hearing Loss. Philadelphia: J.B. Lippincott Company. 1980 P- 67; 75; 175-77;
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